the best detox crockpot lentil soup

          the best detox crockpot lentil soup
Détox Crockpot Léntil Soup – â cléân ând simplé soup mâdé with onions, gârlic, cârrots, olivé oil, squâsh, ând LÉNTILS! Supér héâlthy ând éâsy to mâké.


for thé crockpot:

Ø  2 cups buttérnut squâsh (pééléd ând cubéd)
Ø  2 cups cârrots (pééléd ând slicéd)
Ø  2 cups potâtoés (choppéd)
Ø  2 cups céléry (choppéd)
Ø  1 cup gréén léntils
Ø  3/4 cup yéllow split péâs (or just usé moré léntils)
Ø  1 onion (choppéd)
Ø  5 clovés gârlic (mincéd)
Ø  8-10 cups végétâblé or chickén broth
Ø  2 téâspoons hérbs dé provéncé
Ø  1 téâspoon sâlt (moré to tâsté)

âdd ât thé énd:

v  2-3 cups kâlé (stéms rémovéd, choppéd)
v  1 cup pârsléy (choppéd)
v  1/2 cup olivé oil – rosémâry olivé oil or othér hérb infuséd oil is délicious
v  â swish of shérry, réd winé vinégâr, or lémon juicé to âdd â nicé tângy bité


a)       Plâcé âll ingrédiénts in thé crockpot. Covér ând cook on high for 5-6 hours or low for 7-8 hours.
b)       Plâcé âbout 4 cups of soup in â bléndér with thé olivé oil. Pulsé géntly until sémi-smooth ând créâmy-looking (thé oil will form â créâmy émulsion with thé soup). Âdd bâck to thé pot ând stir to combiné. Stir in thé kâlé ând pârsléy. Turn thé héât off ând just lét évérything chill out for â bit béforé sérving. Thé tâsté géts béttér with timé ând so doés thé téxturé, IMO!
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