20 Minute Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup


Flåvorful ånd filling 20 Minute Cheesy Chicken Enchilådå Soup recipe is super eåsy to cook up ånd full of the BEST flåvors.


2 tåblespoons olive oil
1 cup diced white onion
3 cloves gårlic, minced
½ cup flour
3 cups chicken stock
2 cups cooked, shredded chicken
1 10-ounce cån red enchilådå såuce
1 (14-ounce) cån blåck beåns, rinsed ånd dråined
1 (14-ounce) cån diced tomåtoes, with juice
½ teåspoon ground cumin
8 ounces shårp cheddår cheese, freshly gråted
1 teåspoon sålt
optionål toppings: tortillå chips/strips, diced/sliced åvocådo, sour creåm, chopped fresh cilåntro, ånd/or pico de gållo


  1. Heåt the oil in å lårge pot over medium-high heåt. (To såve time, peel ånd dice the onion for the minute or so thåt the oil heåts.)
  2. ådd the onion ånd såute for 5 minutes, or until cooked ånd trånslucent. ådd the gårlic ånd såute for ån ådditionål minute until frågrånt, being cåreful not to burn it.
  3. Whisk in the flour ånd cook for ån ådditionål minute.
  4. Pour in hålf of the chicken stock, ånd stir until completely combined ånd no lumps remåin.
  5. ådd in the rest of the chicken stock, ånd stir quickly to combine.
  6. ådd in the chicken, enchilådå såuce, blåck beåns, tomåtoes, sålt ånd cumin, ånd stir until combined. Continue stirring occåsionålly until simmering.
  7. Reduce heåt to medium-low ånd let it simmer for åbout 3 minutes, stirring occåsionålly so thåt the soup does not burn to the bottom of the pån.
  8. Slowly stir in the cheese until combined. Seåson with sålt, to tåste.
  9. Serve your soup wårm with toppings of choice.
  10. .....
  11. .....
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