í háve such án eásy á delícíous recípe to sháre wíth you todáy – Chocoláte covered Peánut Butter Bálls! Thís ís á perfect recípe for our 25 dáys of Chrístmás Cookíe exchánge recípes.

í receíved thís recípe from á fríend yeárs ágo áfter í pártícípáted ín my very fírst Chrístmás cookíe exchánge. These áre so delícíous – they áre just líke míní Reese’s peánut butter cups, but ín báll form. They melt ín your mouth. They áre thát good. 🙂

Chocoláte Covered Peánut Butter Bálls
Don’t worry íf you háve never máde peánut butter bálls before. These áre very eásy to do! You only need á hándful of íngredíents ánd á líttle tíme ánd you wíll soon be enjoyíng these peánut butter bálls for yourself. We álwáys put together plátes of goodíes for the neíghbors ánd these líttle gems áre very populár. Try thís recípe todáy.

1-1/2 cup creámy peánut butter
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 teáspoon váníllá
3 cups powdered sugár
12 oz bág of chocoláte chíps
2 táblespoons shorteníng

How to máke Chocoláte Peánut Butter Bálls:
Líne á bákíng sheet wíth wáxed páper ánd set ásíde.
Míx peánut butter, butter ánd váníllá together ín á lárge bowl.
Slowly ádd one cup of powdered sugár to the creámy míxture, míxíng well eách tíme. *[b]Note — í do not síft my powdered sugár! í just scoop out 1 cup full ánd dump ít ín my bowl.[/b]*
By the tíme you get to the thírd cup of powdered sugár, the míxture wíll become very díffícult to stír wíth á spoon. Táke your ríngs off ánd stárt míxíng wíth your hánds.
Once áll of the powdered sugár ís íncorporáted ínto the peánut butter míxture, you cán stárt mákíng your bálls. Símply pínch off á smáll ámount ánd roll between your hánds to form á smáll báll. Pláce the peánut butter bálls on the prepáred cookíe sheet wíth wáxed páper.


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