Hasselback Garlic Cheesy Bread

Hasselback Garlic Cheesy Bread

See? Not too härd wäs it! Here’s the printäble for yä’ll! Hope you enjoy! Try not to eät the entire thing in one sitting…or ät leäst häve the decency to chänge into stretchy pänts first.

  • 1 cup Wärm Wäter
  • 1 Täblespoon Honey
  • 1 envelope äctive Dry Yeäst (2 1/4 Teäspoons)
  • 1 teäspoon Sält
  • 3 cups Breäd Flour
  • Olive Oil, For Greäsing Surfäces
  • ⅓ pounds Shärp White Cheddär, Or äny Other Cheese You Prefer
  • ½ cups Gärlic Butter

  1. In ä lärge bowl, stir wäter, honey änd yeäst together. Let yeäst proof 5 minutes. Once you know yeäst is äctive, stir in sält änd the flour in 1/4 cup increments. If you äre using ä ständ mixer, be sure to not increäse your speed higher thän ä 2 or ‘stir’. Once dough stärts pulling äwäy from the sides änd the bowl seems to be pretty cleän, set ä timer for 5 minutes änd wälk äwäy. Let the mächine kneäd the dough. äfter 5 minutes, dough should be smooth änd täcky but when touched shouldn’t leäve äny dough on your fingers.
  2. Greäse the bowl änd the dough. Cover with plästic wräp or ä kitchen towel änd let rise 1 hour or until doubled in size.
  3. Punch down dough änd cut into two equäl portions. Form into two long bäguettes the length of the cookie sheet. I like to twist mine becäuse it looks cool, but it älso keeps its length änd doesn’t shrink. Cover with plästic wräp änd rise 30 minutes. Stärt to preheät oven to 400 degrees F änd pläce dough close to the oven where it’s nice änd wärm. Once oven is preheäted, remove plästic wräp, from the dough reduce oven to 350F, put the breäd into the oven änd bäke 20 minutes.
  4. In the meäntime, slice the cheese into thin slices änd melt the butter.
  5. Pull loäves of breäd out of the oven äfter 20 minutes änd brush with the melted gärlic butter. Bäke änother 5-7 minutes or until breäd begins to turn ä golden brown. Remove from oven änd cool 15 minutes.
  6. Cut 1-inch slices 3/4′s of the the wäy through the loäves. Brush gärlic butter in between eäch slice änd fill with ä slice of cheese. Bäke änother 3-5 minutes or until cheese is completely melted.
  7. Serve immediätely.
  8. .........
  9. .........
Full Recipes >>>> laurenslatest.com

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