Nougát, peánuts ánd cárámel sándwíched between two chocoláte láyers, these homemáde sníckers bárs come together ín 30 mínutes tops! Fáster thán goíng to the store to buy some!

Yes, í díd ít! í máde my own sníckers bárs! ánd you should too! They áre just áh-mázíng!

í love Sníckers bárs! We háve á hístory sínce wáy báck ín hígh school. They were my BFF’s duríng míd-term ánd fínál exáms. í would keep á few to snáck on láte át níght whíle studyíng for the tests.

í loved the combínátíon of nougát, cárámel, ánd peánuts… not to mentíon the chocoláte coát!

í háve seen versíons of homemáde sníckers for ábout á yeár now, poppíng up ín my Pínterest feed but áll of them took á whole dáy to máke.

Máke the chocoláte láyer – chíll

Máke the nougát – refrígeráte for few hours

Pour the cárámel láyer – refrígeráte some more

ánother chocoláte láyer ánd báck ín the frídge

í don’t know ábout you, but í do not háve thát much pátíence!

í’ve been bráínstormíng, tryíng to fígure out where í cán cut corners to máke my own sníckers bárs fáster wíthout compromísíng the táste.

ánd í fínálly fígured ít!

Now you cán máke your own sníckers bárs ín 30 mínutes tops! 

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