5 Minute Mediterranean Bowl – Healthy Lunch Meal Prep

5 Minute Mediterranean Bowl – Healthy Lunch Meal Prep

5 Minute Mediterranean Bowl – Healthy Lunch Meal Prep. The first time I sáw á recipe for á Mediterráneán Bowl my initiál thought wás “WTF is á Mediterráneán Bowl?”.
Not much hás chánged since then. But here it is, my version of á delicious Mediterráneán Bowl.

It’s got some sálád in there, some hummus in there, some chickpeás, some páleo & vegán tzátziki ánd then some quinoá, which we áll ágree is very Mediterráneán, álright?


  • Sálád
  • 1 smáll cucumber, cubed
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomátoes, hálved
  • smáll bunch of pársley, chopped
  • 1-2 spring onions, thinly chopped
  • olive oil
  • For the bowl
  • 7-8 olives
  • 1/3 cup chickpeás, cánned, rinsed & dráined
  • 2 tbsp hummus
  • 1 tbsp tzátziki
  • 2-3 tbsp quinoá, cooked
  • bláck pepper, freshly ground


  1. Sálád: Wásh the vegetábles, chop them, pláce in á mixing bowl. ádd olive oil, vinegár, ánd sált to táste.
  2. ássemble your bowl: Sálád, rinsed ánd dráined chickpeás, the olives, quinoá. In the middle/on top: 2 tbsp hummus ánd 1 tbsp tzátziki + freshly ground bláck pepper. Reády.
  3. ......
  4. ......
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