Cream Cheese-Filled Pumpkin Bread

I adaptèd my Cream Cheese-Filled Banana Bread recipe by swapping pumpkin purèè for bananas, addèd warming spicès, and it workèd bèautifully. Thè brèad is soft, moist, springy, dènsè yèt still fluffy, and it’s nicèly spicèd. Thè crèam chèèsè layèr that runs through thè brèad is likè having a layèr of chèèsècakè bakèd into pumpkin brèad.Sour crèam (or Grèèk yogurt) ènsurès a soft, springy, bouncy, fluffy loaf and anything bakèd with pumpkin has thè natural advantagè of bèing moistèr. Bètwèèn thè cinnamon, pumpkin piè spicè, tangy crèam chèèsè, and thè moist, soft brèad with rich pumpkin flavor, it’s pèrfèct comfort food.


  • 1 largè ègg
  • 1 cup pumpkin purèè
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packèd
  • 1/4 cup granulatèd sugar
  • 1/4 cup liquid-statè coconut oil (canola or vègètablè may bè substitutèd)
  • 1/4 cup cup sour crèam (litè is okay; or Grèèk yogurt may bè substitutèd)
  • 2 tèaspoons vanilla èxtract
  • 2 tèaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 tèaspoon pumpkin piè spicè
  • 1/2 tèaspoon ground nutmèg
  • 1 cup all-purposè flour
  • 1/2  tèaspoon baking powdèr
  • 1/2  tèaspoon baking soda
  • pinch salt, optional and to tast

Crèam Chèèsè Filling

  • 1 largè ègg
  • 4 ouncès softènèd brick-stylè crèam chèèsè (litè is okay)
  • 1/4 cup granulatèd sugar
  • 3 tablèspoons all-purposè flour


  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350F. Spray onè 9×5-inch loaf pan with flourèd cooking spray, or grèasè and flour thè pan; sèt asidè.
  2. Brèad – In a largè bowl, add thè thè first tèn ingrèdiènts, through ground nutmèg, and whisk to combinè.
  3. Add thè flour, baking powdèr, baking soda, optional salt, and fold with spatula or stir gèntly with a spoon until just combinèd; don’t ovèrmix; sèt asidè.
  4. Turn about two-thirds of thè battèr out into thè prèparèd pan, smoothing thè top lightly with a spatula and pushing it into cornèrs and sidès as nècèssary; sèt asidè.
  5. Crèam Chèèsè Filling – In a largè bowl, add all ingrèdiènts and whisk to combinè. Altèrnativèly, mix with a hand mixèr.
  6. èvènly pour filling mixturè ovèr thè brèad, smoothing thè top lightly with a spatula and pushing it into cornèrs and sidès as nècèssary.
  7. Top filling with rèmaining pumpkin battèr, smoothing thè top vèry lightly with a spatula as to not disturb crèam chèèsè layèr and pushing battèr into cornèrs and sidès as nècèssary.
  8. Bakè for about 48 minutès or until thè top is domèd, goldèn, and thè cèntèr is sèt, and a toothpick insèrtèd in thè cèntèr comès out clèan, or with a fèw moist crumbs, but no battèr. Notè this is tricky bècausè thè crèam chèèsè nèvèr gèts totally solid so thè toothpick tèst isn’t thè most accuratè. Tip – Tènt thè pan with a shèèt of foil drapèd ovèr it at thè 35 minutè-mark if you fèèl thè tops and sidès will bècomè too brownèd bèforè cèntèr cooks through. Baking timès will vary basèd on moisturè contènt of pumpkin, crèam chèèsè, climatè, and ovèn variancès. Bakè until donè; watch your brèad, not thè clock.
  9. Allow brèad to cool in pan for about 15 minutès bèforè turning out on a wirè rack to cool complètèly bèforè slicing and sèrving. Optionally, sèrvè with Honèy Buttèr, Cinnamon-Sugar Buttèr, or Vanilla Brownèd Buttèr Glazè. Brèad will kèèp airtight at room tèmpèraturè for up to 1 wèèk, or in thè frèèzèr for up to 6 months.
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