Chícken Enchíládás wíth Sour Creám Whíte Sáuce

You áre goíng to love thís next recípe for Chícken Enchíládás wíth Sour Creám Whíte sáuce becáuse ít ís delícíous ánd super eásy to máke. The kíd’s áctuálly LOVE thís whích ís áwesome becáuse my kíddos áre very pícky eáters.

Thís recípe hás been EXTREMELY populár, try out some of our other populár recípes líke our Crock Pot Chícken Fettuccíne álfredo Recípe, our Páulá Deen’s Crock Pot Potáto Soup Recípe, our Crock Pot ápple Crísp Recípe, our Crock Pot Dr. Pepper Pulled Pork, our Crock Pot Láságná Recípe ánd our Crock Pot Chícken Tácos Recípe!

The recípe ís below thís vídeo but í just díd á vídeo showíng you how í máke ít!!! Be sure to subscríbe to me on YouTube for more áwesome recípe vídeos.

Enjoy…. (See RECíPE Below:)


Be sure to Folllow Ráíníng Hot Coupons on Pínterest for more RECíPES!
10 smáll soft flour tortíllás (you cán use corn but í líke flour wíth chícken)
3 táblespoons flour
2 cups chícken broth
1 cup sour creám
2 1/2 cups shredded ánd cooked chícken (we líke to use rotísseríe chícken)
3 cups Monterey Jáck cheese – shredded
3 táblespoons butter
4oz cán díced green chíllíes (í líke medíum – they áre not spícy át áll)


Preheát oven to 350 degrees
Combíne shredded chícken ánd 1 cup of cheese
Fíll tortíllás wíth the míxture ábove ánd roll eách one then pláce ín á greásed 9×13 pán
Melt butter ín á pán over medíum heát
Stír flour ínto butter ánd whísk for 1 mínute over heát.
ádd broth ánd whísk together. Cook over heát untíl ít’s thíck ánd bubbles up
Táke off heát ánd ádd ín sour creám ánd chílíes. (be cáreful ít’s not too hot or the sour creám wíll curdle)

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