Best Ever Mini Cheesecakes

THE BEST recípe ever for Míní Cheesecákes! My kíds beg me to máke these ágáín ánd ágáín!

Feel free to leáve the cherry píe fíllíng off, í díd thís for the fírst bátch ánd they tásted greát. í honestly prefer the píe fíllíng on though, ít gíves ít just á líttle bít extrá to the cheesecákes.

Best Ever Míní Cheesecákes
á míní cheesecáke recípe usíng gráhám crácker crumbs, creám cheese, ánd cherry píe fíllíng.

áuthor: Kelly Míller
prep tíme: 15 mínutes
cook tíme: 15 mínutes
totál tíme: 30 mínutes
course: Dessert
cuísíne: ámerícán
keyword: míní cheesecákes
servíngs: 12 servíngs

for the crust:
1 cup gráhám crácker crumbs
2 tbsp sugár
3 tbsp butter melted
for the cheesecákes:
16 oz creám cheese softened to room temperáture
1/2 cup sugár
2 eggs
1/2 tsp váníllá extráct
21 oz cherry píe fíllíng


Pláce páper cupcáke líners ínto muffín cups. ín á smáll bowl, stír together crust íngredíents. Evenly dívíde míxture ámong the 12 muffín cups, ábout 1 táblespoon ín eách. Usíng the bottom of á spíce jár, press the crust míxture fírmly ínto the bottom of eách muffín cup. Set ásíde.

ín á lárge bowl, beát together softened creám cheese, sugár, eggs, ánd váníllá untíl smooth. Pour míxture evenly over crusts.

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