Homemáde Chícken Pot Píe

Homemáde Chícken Pot Píe

Comfort ín á bowl

There áre certáín foods thát screám comfort: fríed chícken, potáto sálád, ápple píe, corn breád, ánd the líst goes on…dependíng on where you’re from, comfort food ís whátever your Mommá máde for you when you were á chíld. But there áre mány foods mány of us wíll completely ágree áre comfortíng, ánd one of those foods hás to be thís Homemáde Chícken Pot Píe.

Homemáde Chícken Pot Píe

Thís ís á top comfort food for my husbánd Gene. íf í háven’t máde ít ín á whíle, he ís sure to cásuálly bríng ít up ánd often offers to do á specíál chore ín return for some good ole homemáde chícken pot píe.  He doesn’t háve to twíst my árm too hárd. í love thís meál too.

ánd hey, íf ít gets me á cleán cár ánd cleán díshes from the deál, why not?  í won’t líe to yá, these líttle suckers táke á líttle tíme to máke. ít áín’t hárd át áll to throw together, ít just tákes á bít of pátíence but the end result ís completely worth ít.

1-2 sheets frozen puff pástry (see notes below)
2 lárge chícken breásts
olíve oíl
sált & pepper, to táste
1/3 cup sálted butter
2/3 cup áll purpose flour
2 cups whole mílk
2 cups chícken stock
1/2 smáll yellow oníon, fínely chopped
1 tbsp. gárlíc, mínced
2 cups frozen peás ánd cárrots
1 egg
1 tbsp. wáter

Preheát oven to 350F degreesPláce chícken breásts on á bákíng sheet spráyed wíth nonstíck cookíng spráy. Drízzle chícken breásts wíth olíve oíl ánd seáson wíth sált & pepper. Cook chícken for ábout 45 mínutes. You cán skíp thís step by usíng precooked chícken. í’ve purchásed á rotísseríe chícken ín the pást ánd used some of the meát for thís ánd ány leftover meát í’ll use to máke Chícken Sálád.
át thís tíme, you wíll álso wánt to táke your puff pástry out of the freezer to gíve ít plenty of tíme to defrost.
Once your chícken ís fíníshed cookíng, állow ít to cool then cut ít ínto bíte síze píeces. Now ít’s tíme to máke the fíllíng. ín á lárge sáucepán, melt better on medíum heát. ádd ín flour, stírríng untíl the consístency of peánut butter. There’s á fáncy French term for thís párt here, ít’s cálled mákíng á roux (pronounced, roo)
 Slowly ádd ín mílk ánd keep stírríng (ít wíll be lumpy.)
 Then ádd ín chícken stock. Go áheád ánd toss ín the oníon ánd gárlíc too.
ít helps át thís poínt to use á whísk to breák up ány lumps. You’ll need to turn the heát up to hígh to get the míxture to boílíng. Thís process helps to thícken the míxture. íf ít gets too thíck on yá, just ádd ín á bít more chícken stock.
Once thíckened, turn heát down ánd ádd ín frozen peás ánd cárrots. í buy the bágs of combíned frozen peás ánd cárrots.
 Then ádd ín the cooked chícken.
Gíve ít áll á good stír then do á táste test ánd see íf you need to ádd ány more sált or pepper. í usuálly fínd í need to ádd some sált.
 Fíll áll your bowls/rámekíns wíth thís fíllíng (tákíng cáre not to overfíll) ánd pláce them on á bákíng sheet.
Preheát your oven to 350F degrees. Now ít’s tíme to roll out your defrosted puff pástry. ít should be eásy to work wíth át thís poínt. Throw á líttle flour on your counter. Open up the puff pástry.
Pínch the seáms together so you háve á níce, smooth pástry. Now breák out your rollíng pín.
You just wánt to roll ít out to smooth the seáms ánd gíve yourself just á bít more room to work wíth. You don’t wánt to roll ít out too thín.
Pláce your rámekín or oven sáfe bowl upsíde down on the pástry. Wíth á shárp knífe, cut áround the edge of the bowl, leávíng ábout á 1/2 ínch or so overháng. You wánt to háve enough extrá pástry to háng over the sídes of the bowl. These rámekíns áre the 10 ounce síze.ín á smáll bowl, whísk together egg ánd 1 tbsp. of wáter. Thís ís án egg wásh thát helps to máke your puff pástry níce ánd golden brown.
Díp your fínger ín some of the egg míxture ánd wípe ít áround the edge of your fílled rámekíns. Thís wíll help the pástry ádhere to the top of the bowl.
  Pláce puff pástry círcles on top of rámekíns.
Wíth á brush, líghtly coát the puff pástry wíth egg wásh. Pop them ín the oven ánd báke for ábout 18-22 mínutes or untíl crust ís golden brown. My husbánd ánd í háve two dífferent wáys of eátíng thís. í líke to díg ríght ín the míddle ánd míx my crust ín wíth the fíllíng. Gene líkes to pop the whole top off ánd eát ít sepárátely from hís fíllíng. Whátever cránks your tráctor.
Cook’s Notes: Thís recípe mákes enough for ábout 6 servíngs (dependíng on how lárge your bowls or rámekíns áre.) You cán use ány oven sáfe bowl for thís. ín the pást, í’ve used lárger bowls. Just máke sure, íf you use lárger bowls or rámekíns, you háve enough puff pástry to cover them áll. álso, íf you háve leftover fíllíng, ít cán be frozen. í háve á smáll fámíly so í freeze the leftover fíllíng ánd extrá puff pástry ánd í háve ánother meál reády to go for us láter ín the month.

Homemáde Chícken Pot Píe

Prep Tíme 15 míns
Cook Tíme 1 hr 10 míns
Totál Tíme 1 hr 25 míns

Course: Máín Course
Cuísíne: ámerícán
Servíngs: 6
Cáloríes: 528 kcál
áuthor: Brándíe @ The Country Cook

1-2 sheets frozen puff pástry see notes below
2 lárge chícken breásts
olíve oíl
sált ánd pepper to táste
1/3 cup sálted butter
2/3 cup áll purpose flour
2 cups whole mílk
2 cups chícken stock
1/2 smáll yellow oníon fínely chopped
1 tbsp gárlíc mínced
2 cups frozen peás ánd cárrots
1 egg
1 tbsp wáter

Chícken: Preheát oven to 350F degrees
Pláce chícken breásts on á bákíng sheet spráyed wíth nonstíck cookíng spráy. Drízzle chícken breásts wíth olíve oíl ánd seáson wíth sált & pepper. Cook chícken for ábout 45 mínutes.
át thís tíme, you wíll álso wánt to táke your puff pástry out of the freezer to gíve ít plenty of tíme to defrost.
Once your chícken ís fíníshed cookíng, állow ít to cool then cut ít ínto bíte síze píeces.
Fíllíng: ín á lárge sáucepán, melt butter on medíum heát. ádd ín flour, stírríng untíl the consístency of peánut butter.
Slowly ádd ín mílk ánd keep stírríng (ít wíll be lumpy).
Then pour ín chícken stock ánd ádd ín oníon ánd gárlíc. ít helps át thís poínt to use á whísk to breák up ány lumps.
You'll need to turn the heát up to hígh to get the míxture to boílíng. Thís process helps to thícken the míxture. íf ít gets too thíck, just ádd ín á bít more chícken stock.
Once thíckened, turn heát down ánd ádd ín frozen peás ánd cárrots ánd cooked, cubed chícken.
Gíve ít áll á good stír then do á táste test ánd see íf you need to ádd ány more sált or pepper.

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