Cranberry Baked Pears

Cranberry Baked Pears

v  4 péârs
v  ½ cup frésh crânbérriés
v  2 TB râw honéy
v  ⅓ cup buttér, méltéd (If you âré dâiry fréé, I hâvé uséd âvocâdo oil which works wéll too! Coconut oil will work but will léâvé â coconut flâvor béhind if you don't mind thât!)
v  ⅓ - ½ cup nuts of choicé, choppéd (I uséd wâlnuts ând pécâns. I liké to chop thém by hând vérsus â food procéssor so théy don't gét too finé. If you âré nut fréé you cân usé sééds, sééds ând coconut shréds, or simply léâvé this pârt out!)
v  Cinnâmon for sprinkling to tâsté

a)     Préhéât your ovén to 375 dégréés.
b)     Hâlvé your péârs ând scoop thé coré out with â spoon léâving â littlé "bowl" for thé crânbérriés. Ârrângé your péâr hâlvés on â bâking shéét, flésh sidé up. (I liké to slicé thé bâck of thé péâr on thé roundéd pârt of thé skin so thât thé péâr sits lévél ând doésn't roll âround on thé pân.)

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