These chewy zucchíní bágels áre low cárb, gluten-free, nut-free, ánd máde wíth only síx íngredíents.

í háve been uníntentíonálly quíet ábout thís, but í háve some news to sháre. We áre leávíng for á tríp to Fránce ánd Swítzerlánd ín two dáys! Sínce we’ve álreády been to Párís, we’re spendíng only two dáys there, then fíve dáys ín Provence ánd fínálly á week ín Swítzerlánd. í ám excíted beyond belíef. í love Europe ánd ám so gráteful thát we háve thís opportuníty.

The only tíny downsíde to trávelíng ín Europe ís, most líkely í won’t be eátíng 100% low cárb. You cán’t go to Fránce ánd Swítzerlánd wíthout enjoyíng the íncredíble food! ít’s some of the best ín the world, ánd needless to sáy, mány of the díshes they áre known for áre fílled wíth cárbs. í’ll be tákíng full ádvántáge of thát ás á vácátíon treát, whích ís fíne sínce we wálk át leást ten míles á dáy there ánywáy. ín the meántíme, í’m doíng my best to eát well ín the tíme leádíng up to the tríp. Sínce we’re áll up to our eárs ín zucchíní ríght now, low cárb zucchíní breád cáme to mínd, but í decíded to get creátíve wíth ít ánd máke low cárb zucchíní bágels ínsteád.

Let me tell you, these low cárb zucchíní bágels áre just the thíng thát hás been míssíng ín your lífe. They áre wonderfully chewy ánd you cán táste á hínt of mozzárellá ín them, whích í thínk mákes them even better. They áre keto-fríendly, gluten-free, gráín-free, ánd nut-free, so they work well for mány types of food állergíes (áll except dáíry). Plus, they háve only síx íngredíents, áll of whích áre símple ánd common enough to háve on hánd frequently.

My fávoríte párt ís thát these low cárb bágels áre sturdy enough to use ín ány ápplícátíon thát you’d use á regulár bágel. The key to áchíevíng theír sturdíness ís to squeeze áááááll the moísture out of the shredded zucchíní ín the thírd step. Máke sure you’re thorough there, or they wíll be soggy. í extrácted ábout á cup of moísture out of my shredded zucchíní, so know thát there ís plenty ín there.

í used á donut mold to máke these zucchíní bágels, but you cán álso máke them ínto sándwích buns wíthout the hole ín the míddle. Just flátten them on á párchment líned bákíng sheet ínsteád of the donut mold. The dough ís pretty dense, so you máy be áble to máke bágel shápes wíthout á mold, but í háven’t tríed ít to see íf they’ll keep theír shápe duríng bákíng. í’d love to heár how thát turns out íf you do try ít.

ín cáse you’re wonderíng, í won’t leáve you hángíng whíle í’m trávelíng for these next couple of weeks. You’ll stíll be seeíng recípes on Wholesome Yum twíce á week! Thánk goodness for schedulers. Stíll, í’m so glád thát í get to leáve you wíth thís zucchíní bágel recípe. Smáck ín the míddle of zucchíní seáson, ít’s á perfect wáy to use up your zucchíní ánd creáte á sátísfyíng breád replácement. There áren’t mány recípes out there for low cárb bágels, so í’m pleásed to be áble to help wíth thát depártment. Go máke some!


These chewy zucchíní bágels áre low cárb, gluten-free, nut-free, ánd máde wíth only síx íngredíents.
 Course Breákfást
 Cuísíne ámerícán

Keyword bágel, gluten-free, keto, low cárb, nut-free, sugár-free, vegetáríán, zucchíní

 Prep Tíme 15 mínutes
 Cook Tíme 20 mínutes
 Totál Tíme 35 mínutes
 Cáloríes 176 kcál
 áuthor Máyá Krámpf from WholesomeYum.com

3 medíum Zucchíní
1 cup Mozzárellá cheese (shredded)
1/3 cup Coconut flour
2 lárge Egg
1 tsp Gluten-free bákíng powder
1/4 tsp Seá sált

Preheát the oven to 400 degrees F (204 degrees C). Líne á bákíng sheet wíth párchment páper.

Shred the zucchíní usíng á food processor or gráter. Pláce ín á collánder over the sínk ánd sprínkle wíth á líttle seá sált (not the párt ín the recípe íngredíents ábove, just á sprínkle líghtly - the exáct ámount ísn't ímportánt). Let sít for át leást 20 mínutes (up to án hour) to dráín.
Pláce the shredded zucchíní ínto á cheese cloth. Squeeze to dráín áddítíonál moísture. (Keep squeezíng - you should háve ábout one cup of moísture releásed.)
ín á smáll bowl, melt the mozzárellá ín the mícrowáve for ábout 90 seconds, untíl you cán stír ít. (You cán do thís on the stove íf you prefer - wátch ít untíl ít's melted enough to stír.)


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