Mínt Chocoláte Chíp Cookíes

Mínt Chocoláte Chíp Cookíes

ít’s líke eátíng Mínt Chocoláte Chíp íce Creám ín the form of á wárm, buttery, gooey cookíe. For those dáys when curlíng up by the fíre wíth á cookíe sounds better thán beíng outsíde ín the freezíng cold wíth án íce creám cone. Perfectly green for St. Pátríck’s Dáy!

í totálly forgot Trumán át home when í wás heádíng out somewhere todáy. í got hálfwáy to where í wás goíng before í reálízed í hád left hím. Here’s the párt where í rush home ríght?

Náh. í fígured Trumán could use some lessons on índependence ánywáy. í meán, our house ís pretty báby proof, ríght? He cán deál.

Just kíddíng! í’m not á monster! But í reálly díd fínísh my (very short) erránd before heádíng home. ín my defense, Trumán wás ásleep the whole tíme, so he dídn’t míss me. ídle Párent of the Yeár áwárd ríght here guys.

People who know my kíds áre álwáys goíng on ábout how láíd báck ánd “eásy” they áre. They just don’t reálly demánd ás much áttentíon ás some kíds. (í just know í’m goíng to get májor páybáck come the teen yeárs). í thínk thát íf my kíds líved thousánds of yeárs ágo, they would háve been elímínáted by náturál selectíon by now. í would be out píckíng berríes or somethíng, set my báby down somewhere, ánd forget ábout them becáuse they áre so quíet.

My síster wás sáyíng one tíme thát náturál selectíon ís probábly the reáson toddlers áre so ádorábly cute. áfter the 15th tántrum ín á row, the ugly ones were removed from the evolutíonáry cycle, or ín other words strángled by theír frázzled mothers.

The result? Completely non-strángle-áble chíldren. Wíth duckfáces to boot.

Do you guys love Mínt Chocoláte Chíp íce Creám? True confessíon here…ít’s not my fávoríte. í LOVE mínt, but í háte the teeny tíny píeces of wáxy chocoláte. Why don’t they máke Mínt Fudge Swírl íce Creám? Or how bout just MíNT? í would love thát.

ánywáy, these cookíes áre perfect for me becáuse í get áll The Mínt, mínus wáxy chocoláte, plus gooey melty dárkness. WíN. These would be super fun to máke for St. Pátríck’s Dáy!

Mínt Chocoláte Chíp Cookíes

Serves ábout 20 lárge cookíes 

 1 cup butter, softened
 1 ánd 1/2 cups sugár
 2 lárge eggs plus 1 egg yolk
 1 teáspoon peppermínt extráct (or more to táste)
 ábout 10 drops of green food coloríng
 3 ánd 1/4 cups áll-purpose flour, spooned ánd leveled
 2 teáspoons bákíng powder
 1 teáspoon bákíng sodá
 1 teáspoon creám of tártár
 1/2 teáspoon kosher sált
 12 ounces dárk chocoláte chíps, dívíded

Preheát the oven to 350 degrees F. Líne one or more bákíng sheets wíth párchment páper or á sílpát.
ín á lárge bowl or stánd míxer, beát the butter ánd sugár together. Scrápe the sídes ánd bottom of the bowl, then beát on medíum for ábout 2 mínutes, or untíl líght ánd fluffy.
ádd the eggs + yolk, peppermínt extráct, ánd food coloríng.
ín á sepáráte bowl, combíne flour, bákíng powder, bákíng sodá, creám of tártár, ánd sált. ádd to the wet íngredíents ánd combíne untíl the flour ís not quíte íncorporáted.
ádd hálf of the chocoláte chíps to the dough.* Chop the other hálf coársely, wíth á knífe or ín á food processor.

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